- COMP2501B Introduction to Data Science and Engineering
Provided in year 22-23
Achieved departmental top SETL of large-size classes of the 2st semester in year 22-23
[Course Introduction] [Moodle 23] [Moodle 22]
- COMP3353 Bioinformatics
Provided in year 18-20, 22-24
Achieved SFTL overall score over 90 since 2018
[Course Introduction] [Moodle 24] [Moodle 23] [Moodle 22] [Moodle 20] [Moodle 19] [Moodle 18]
- STAT1005 Essential skills for undergraduates: Foundations of Data Science
Co-taught the computational sections
Provided in year 21
[Course Introduction] [Moodle 21]
- ENGG1340 Computer programming II
Provided in year 18-21
[Course Introduction] [Moodle 21] [Moodle 20] [Moodle 19] [Moodle 18]